Revision History for "jQuery Regular Expressions Review"
- 2010-Sep-23 10:00 MDT
- Added note to head of article stating that the recommended improvements have been incorporated into the jQuery codebase.
- Table 1. regex: ajax.js:004 rscript. Added note describing the catastrophic backtracking behavior of the original regex. Added another version of the new regex which allows matching SCRIPT tags which are not properly terminated.
- Table 1. regex: css.js:004 ropacity. The original regex was A-Ok. Added a note indicating this.
- 2010-Sep-21 17:00 MDT
- 2010-Sep-21 16:00 MDT
- Fixed issue with printed version losing data from table.
- Changed CSS so table text is left aligned and non-monospace.
- 2010-Sep-21 12:00 MDT